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Missouri Falconry Regulations

Published 1/29/06 by the State of Missouri



3 CSR 10-9.442 Falconry

PURPOSE: This rule establishes provisions

for hunting with birds of prey.


(1) Birds of prey may be taken, transported, possessed or used to take wildlife only by

holders of a falconry permit, to be issued only to residents qualified by passing with a score of at least eighty percent (80%) a written examination meeting federal standards and whose facilities and equipment meet requirements specified in this rule. The barter, sale, purchase, importation or exportationof raptors without a permit is prohibited.


(2) Only designated types and numbers of birds of prey may be possessed and all these birds shall bear a numbered, nonreuseable marker provided by the department. Birds held under a falconry permit may be used, without further permit, to pursue and take wildlife within the following seasons and bag limits:


(A) Cottontail and swamp rabbits may bentaken from October 1 to March 31. Daily limit: six (6) rabbits including no more than two (2) swamp rabbits; possession limit: twelve (12) rabbits including no more than four (4) swamp rabbits.


(B) Squirrels may be taken from the Saturday before Memorial Day to February 1. Daily limit: two (2) squirrels; possession limit: four (4) squirrels.


(C) Quail may be taken from October 1 to January 15. Daily limit: three (3) quail; possession limit: six (6) quail.


(D) Doves may be taken from September 1 to December 16 from one-half (1/2) hour before sunrise to sunset. Daily limit: three (3) doves; possession limit: six (6) doves, except that any waterfowl taken by falconers must be included within these limits.


(E) Ducks, mergansers and coots may be taken from one-half (1/2) hour before sunrise to sunset as follows: in the North Zone, September 10 through September 18 and September 24 through December 27; in the Middle Zone, September 10 through September 18 and September 28 through January 3; and, in the South Zone, September 10 through September 18 and October 18 through January 23. Daily limit: three (3) birds singly or in the aggregate, including doves; possession limit: six (6) birds singly or in the aggregate, including doves.


(F) Pheasants of either sex and gray partridge may be taken in the areas and during the periods and within the bag and possession limits listed in 3 CSR 10-7.430.


(G) Other wildlife may be taken only within the specified seasons and bag limits, except that nonmigratory game species may be taken outside of the specified falconry seasons with

a daily limit of one (1) per raptor per day.


(3) Nonresidents with valid Missouri hunting permits may use birds of prey properly licensed in other states to take wildlife during the open season; provided, that these properly licensed falcons, without further permit, may be entered and used by nonresidents to take wildlife in any regional or national falconry field trial authorized by letter from the director.


(4) Applicants for permits shall submit an application with information including the number of raptors possessed and the species, age, sex, date of acquisition and source of each. Falconry permits are issued by classes as follows:


(A) Apprentice Class.Permittees shall be at least fourteen (14) years old and shall have a sponsor holding a general or master falconry permit. A sponsor shall have no more than three (3) apprentices at any one (1) time. An apprentice may possess only one (1) American kestrel (Falco sparverius) or one (1) redtailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) or one (1) red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) and may obtain not more than one (1) replacement raptor during any twelve (12)- month period.


(B) General Class.Permittees shall be at least eighteen (18) years old and shall have at least two (2) years. experience in falconry at the apprentice level. A general falconer may not possess more than two (2) raptors of the family Accipitridae, or of the family Falconidae, or the great horned owl (Bubo virginianus) of the family Strigidae; but not to include any eagle or any threatened or endangered species. A general falconer shall not obtain more than two (2) raptors for replacements

during any twelve (12)-month period.


(C) Master Class.Permittees shall have at least five (5) years. experience in falconry at

the general class level and shall not possess more than three (3) raptors of the family Accipitridae, or of the family Falconidae, or the great horned owl (Bubo virginianus) of the family Strigidae; but not to include any golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) except by written federal authorization, nor more than one (1) threatened species, nor any endangered  species. A master falconer shall not obtain more than two (2) raptors taken from the wild for replacements during any twelve (12)month period.



(5) Applicants. facilities for raptors shall be inspected and certified to meet the following standards. Applicants may utilize only one (1) facility (mews or weathering area) provided

it meets all requirements for protection described in this section.


(A) Indoor facilities (mews) shall be large enough to allow easy access for caring for the

raptors. Raptors shall be tethered or separated by partitions and each bird shall be provided

enough area to allow it to fully extend its wings. There shall be adequate perches, a secure door easily closed and at least one (1) window protected on the inside by vertical bars spaced narrower than the width of the bird.s body. The floor shall be well drained and shall permit easy cleaning.


(B) Outdoor (weathering area) facilities shall be fenced and covered with netting or wire or roofed, except for perches more than six and one-half feet (6 1/2’) high. The enclosed area shall be large enough to ensure that birds flying from a perch cannot strike the fence. Raptors shall be provided adequate perches and protection from excessive sun, wind and inclement weather.


(6) Applicants for falconry permits shall possess the following equipment:


(A) Jesses.at least one (1) pair of Alymeri jesses or similar type constructed of pliable leather or suitable synthetic material for use when any raptor is flown free.


(B) Leashes and swivels.at least one (1) flexible, weather-resistant leash and one (1) strong swivel of acceptable falconry design.


(C) Bath container.a suitable container for each raptor two to six inches (2.6") deep and wider than the length of the raptor.


(D) Outdoor perches.a weathering area perch of acceptable design for each raptor.


(E) Weighing device.a reliable scale or balance suitable for weighing the raptors held and graduated to increments of not more than one-half (1/2) ounce (fifteen (15) grams).


(7) Raptors may be taken from the wild only as follows:


(A) Raptors shall be taken only in a humane manner. Any device used to take birds of prey shall be labeled with the name and address of the user and shall be attended by the user daily.


(B) Young birds not yet capable of flight (eyasses), except northern harriers (marsh hawks), sharp-shinned hawks, Swainson.s hawks, peregrine falcons, bald eagles, Mississippi kites, barn owls, short-eared owls and long-eared owls, may be taken only by a general or master falconer from May 1 to May 7 and from June 1 to June 30, and no more than two (2) eyasses, one (1) of which may be a Cooper.s hawk, may be taken by a falconer during this period.


(C) First year (passage) birds may be taken from September 1 to January 21; provided that permittees may retrap only their marked raptor at any time.


(D) Only American kestrels and great horned owls may be taken when over one (1)- year old, except that raptors other than those listed in subsection (7)(B) of this rule, when taken under a depredation or special purpose federal permit may be used by general and master falconer.


(E) Nonresidents who have valid falconry permits issued by their state of residence, with written authorization of the director, may take from the wild and, when banded, possess and transport raptors under conditions and at those places and times as the director may specify; providing, that this person shall possess a valid Missouri nonresident hunting permit. (Note: Persons transporting raptors so taken into another statealso must secure permission for the transfer

from the other state.)


(8) Special Provisions.


(A) Persons lawfully possessing raptors prior to December 31, 1976, in excess of the number permitted under this rule, or who fail to meet the requirements of this rule, may retain but not replace these raptors, which shall be identified by permanent markers.


(B) No raptor shall be released to the wild without written authorization from the Department of Conservation. Markers shall be removed from these birds and surrendered to the department.


(C) Feathers from captive birds may be retained and exchanged by permittees only

for imping purposes.


(D) Permittees may trade or transfer raptors with other permittees only with a photocopy

of Federal Form 3-186A (Migratory Bird Acquisition/Disposition Report) submitted to the department within five (5) working days of the transfer and no money or other consideration may be involved, except that permittees may purchase, sell or barter only captive-bred raptors marked with a seamless, numbered band, and that resident permittees may transfer raptors to other resident permittees for temporary holding provided a letter stating the names and addresses of both permittees and the raptor marker number is furnished to and in the possession of the permittee holding the raptor. The permittee temporarily holding these raptors may exercise



(E) A permittee shall report by July 31 each year a listing of all raptors possessed on June 30, by species, marker number, sex, age and the date and source of acquisition. The same information shall be reported for raptors possessed or acquired since the previous report but no longer possessed, with the source and date acquired and the date and reason for termination of possession.


(F) Raptors that are bred in captivity and utilized for falconry shall not be treated as threatened or endangered species for purposes of this rule.


(G) Except as provided in section (2), the permittee shall leave any accidentally killed animal where it lies, except that the raptor may feed upon the animal prior to leaving the

site of the kill.


AUTHORITY: sections 40 and 45 of Art. IV,

Mo. Const. This rule previously filed as 3

CSR 10-7.442. Original rule filed July 22,

1974, effective Dec. 31, 1974. Amended:

Filed July 13, 1976, effective Oct. 11, 1976.

Amended: Filed April 20, 1978, effective July

1, 1978. Emergency amendment filed July 28,

1978, effective Sept. 1, 1978, expired Dec.

29, 1978. Amended: Filed Aug. 4, 1978,

effective Jan. 1, 1979. Amended: Filed Nov.

1, 1978, effective Dec. 29, 1978. Amended:

Filed July 27, 1982, effective Jan. 1, 1983.

Amended: Filed Oct. 22, 1982, effective Dec.

11, 1982. Amended: Filed April 25, 1983,

effective Aug. 11, 1983. Amended: Filed Aug.

29, 1983, effective Jan. 1, 1984. Amended:

Filed Nov. 28, 1983, effective April 12, 1984.

Amended: Filed Nov. 6, 1985, effective Dec.

13, 1985. Amended: Filed Aug. 7, 1986,

effective Jan. 1, 1987. Amended: Filed Sept.

2, 1987, effective Oct. 11, 1987. Amended:

Filed Sept. 12, 1988, effective Oct. 14, 1988.

Emergency amendment filed Sept. 11, 1989,

effective Sept. 22, 1989, expired Jan. 15,

1990. Amended: Filed May 10, 1990, effective

Jan. 1, 1991. Emergency amendment

filed Aug. 30, 1990, effective Oct. 1, 1990,

expired Jan. 20, 1991. Amended: Filed Aug.

30, 1990, effective Feb. 14, 1991. Emergency

amendment filed Sept. 10, 1991, effective

Sept. 21, 1991, expired Jan. 15, 1992.

Amended: Filed Sept. 10, 1991, effective Feb.

6, 1992. Emergency amendment filed Sept. 1,

1992, effective Sept. 11, 1992, expired Jan.

8, 1993. Amended: Filed Sept. 1, 1992,

effective April 8, 1993. Amended: Filed Sept.

10, 1993, effective Sept. 21, 1993. Amended:

Filed April 21, 1993, effective Jan. 1, 1994.

Changed to 3 CSR 10-9.442, effective Jan. 1,

1994. Amended: Filed Aug. 30, 1994, effective

Sept. 9, 1994. Amended: Filed Aug. 30,

1995, effective Sept. 10, 1995. Amended:

Filed April 25, 1996, effective March 1,

1997. Amended: Filed Aug. 27, 1996, effective

Sept. 6, 1996. Amended: Filed Aug. 29,

1997, effective Sept. 9, 1997. Amended:

Filed June 11, 1997, effective March 1, 1998.

Amended: Filed Sept. 3, 1998, effective Sept.

15, 1998. Amended: Filed Sept. 1, 1999,

effective Sept. 11, 1999. Amended: Filed Aug.

28, 2000, effective Sept. 7, 2000. Amended:

Filed Aug. 30, 2001, effective Sept. 15, 2001.

Amended: Filed Aug. 30, 2002, effective

Sept. 10, 2002. Amended: Filed Sept. 5,

2003, effective Sept. 19, 2003. Amended:

Filed Aug. 30, 2004, effective Sept. 10, 2004.

Amended: Filed Aug. 24, 2005, effective

Sept. 6, 2005.


Missouri Falconers Association May 2006