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Hints that Heloise Never Gave

Hi Norma,
As I mentioned before, I am flying a red tail after a 7 year break…. And having the time of my life.  She is one of the best birds I’ve every flown. She is 7 out of her first 8 hunts. And flying at 41 oz. Here is a very little article for your next newsletter.
“Hints that Heloise never told you about”
Girls, you know how that “crud” just hangs up, in and around and under your finger nails?   You know, the blood and gore on your ungloved hand from the prey items your bird has caught and you have bagged, tagged, shared with your bird and then processed to your freezer.    Don’t you just hate it when you’ve come in from hawking and have to clean up and go out to some dressy social function with perma-dirt in tow.   Why, I once had a gentleman shake hands with me  and say,  “ Do you have horses?” “No” was all I said. It was fun to watch him squirm and get out of that blunder.
Well girls here is a handy hint even Heloise hasn’t thought of. Just take your electric toothbrush to those nasty nails and they will clean up as quick as a gos on a rabbit! I recommend using an ‘old’ discarded head… or not . Even the dirt from the garden on those non hawking summer days will spin right out of those hard to get spots. Try it. It really works!
Cis Hager
St. Louis MO

Missouri Falconers Association - February 2006