Missouri Falconers Association - Members Site |
Words from your Secretary / Treasurer Hello Hope everyone is entering into a good moult. My Harris’ hawk is only dropping down feathers as of yet but is as sassy as could be. We ended the season good and plentiful even though the warm weather. Speaking of warm weather I wanted to remind everyone that even though you don’t hear as much about the west Nile Virus we still need to take heed of it for it IS STILL HERE, And could effect your hawk. It is transmitted by mosquitoes which are now coming out. If you are keeping your hawk in an weathering area it is easy to keep a fan on them when the bugs start coming out in the early evening. If you are keeping them in your mews you should have screened in windows to keep the bugs out. Even when I have mine in the mews for the intermew, I still have a fan in the mew with the screened in windows. Just a reminder to take care for the summer bugs which could cause you the loss of your hawk. Also , another reminder this will be the year for a lot of us to re-up our licensees with the Missouri Department of Conservation and the US Fish and wildlife, for I believe many of us who have been falconers for awhile this is our year. Our license with each will last 3 years. EVERYONE who holds a falconry license will need to fill out a Annual Falconry Report for the MDC , if you are currently holding a hawk in your possession or not due by the end of July. SO , DON’T FORGET. We are going to send off for a current copy of the apprentice packet /apprentice fact sheet that the MDC are using to make sure it is in line with what we need, Bob Payne recently sent them a lot of information to be used as this but we have not received a copy of what they are actually sending out yet. So, hopefully that will all be solved very soon. And all be up to date . Mindy Batch is running our raffle this year , I would like to remind everyone to please bring an item to the raffle , buy it make it , something you don’t use anymore , but PLEASE SUPPORT OUR RAFFLE. Hope to see everyone there at Fred’s in August. Speaking of the Summer Picnic, at the end of the picnic 2006, I will be handing my job over to Roger Peterson who I am sure you have all already heard from. He will be your new Secretary/Treasurer; big Thanks go out to Roger for offering to take over this position. He will also be putting together our summer journal to be sent out this July in full color to everyone. I will be accepting articles for the summer
journal from now until So unless everyone wants a journal full of Bob and Rob again, I suggest you send me an article with pictures to be used in the journal. I can only use what is sent. Thank You to Bob who is always willing to send in articles, and put together such a nice journal. For the staff of 2007 , Rob Lyttle will remain our legal representative, Ted Glowczwski, will remain our Web Master, Roger Peterson will take my place as mentioned before , But we need a new President. WHO ARE YOU????????? I will be taking nominations for president from now until the picnic in August where elections will be held. Only members of the MFA can vote or nominate. The person being nominated must be willing to take the position. So talk to your nominator before you send that person in to be elected, and voted upon,. THIS IS SERIOUS AND NEEDED; IF YOU ARE INTERESTED CONTACT ME TO BE PUT ON THE BALLET. A final reminder concerning the mission statement of the MFA. The founding Fathers’ of the MFA, Dan Cover and a small group of MO falconers organized the club with the following intentions. 1) The Falconers of Missouri must maintain legal representation and a unified voice concerning State and Federal Falconry Regulations. 2)
Apprentices and newcomers to the state should be directed to competent falconers by having opportunities
to meet these falconers. The MFA strives to assist all newcomers to the sport of falconry in Scheduled Field Meets, Annual Picnics, Apprentice Workshops, A Summer Journal, A Web presence and quarterly Newsletters are all part of maintaining the Mission Statement of our club. The MFA is not just the few folks who names appear in our publications but YOU are the MFA. Whether you are an apprentice learning the ropes of falconry or a seasoned Master falconer, you have a role to play in the organization. Feel free to contact the President or the Secretary. Your input is always welcome. Hope to see you at the Eyas Picnic in August !! Norma Jean Haynes MFA Secretary / Treasurer
Missouri Falconers Association May 2006